Section: New Results

Computer Algebra

Faster multivariate interpolation with multiplicities

M. Chowdhury (U. Western Ontario), C.-P. Jeannerod, V. Neiger (ENS de Lyon), É. Schost (U. Western Ontario) and G. Villard proposed fast randomized algorithms for interpolating multivariate polynomials with multiplicities. In the special bivariate case, this allows to accelerate the interpolation step of Guruswami and Sudan’s list-decoding by a factor (list size)/(multiplicity).

On the complexity of solving quadratic boolean systems

M. Bardet (U. Rouen), J.-Ch. Faugère (PolSys), B. Salvy, and P.-J. Spaenlehauer (PolSys) [16] dealt with the fundamental problem in computer science of finding all the common zeroes of polynomials systems of quadratic polynomials over the field with 2 elements. The cryptanalysis of several modern ciphers reduces to this problem. Up to now, the best complexity bound was reached by an exhaustive search. They gave an algorithm that reduces the problem to a combination of exhaustive search and sparse linear algebra. This algorithm has several variants depending on the method used for the linear algebra step. Under precise algebraic assumptions, their complexity breaks the 2 n barrier. Experiments on random systems show that the algebraic assumptions are satisfied with probability very close to 1.

Power series solutions of singular (q)-differential equations

A. Bostan (Algorithms), M. F. I. Chowdhury (U. Western Ontario), R. Lebreton (Lix), B. Salvy, and É. Schost (U. Western Ontario) provided in [23] algorithms computing power series solutions of a large class of differential or q-differential equations or systems. Their number of arithmetic operations grows linearly with the precision, up to logarithmic terms.

Fast computation of common left multiples of linear ordinary differential operators

A. Bostan (Algorithms), F. Chyzak (Algorithms), Ziming Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences), and B. Salvy studied in [24] tight bounds and fast algorithms for LCLMs of several linear differential operators with polynomial coefficients. They analyzed the arithmetic complexity of existing algorithms for LCLMs, as well as the size of their outputs. They proposed a new algorithm that recasts the LCLM computation in a linear algebra problem on a polynomial matrix. This algorithm yields sharp bounds on the coefficient degrees of the LCLM, improving by one order of magnitude the best bounds obtained using previous algorithms. The complexity of the new algorithm is almost optimal, in the sense that it nearly matches the arithmetic size of the output.

Space complexity of fast D-finite function evaluation

M. Mezzarobba [41] showed that D-finite functions, i.e., solutions of linear differential equations with polynomial coefficients, can be evaluated in quasi-linear time and linear space with respect to the precision. In comparison, existing fast algorithms due to Chudnovsky and Chudnovsky and to van der Hoeven achieved the same time complexity with an overhead of a logarithmic factor in terms of memory usage.

Multiple precision evaluation of the Airy function with reduced cancellation

The series expansion at the origin of the Airy function Ai (x) is alternating and hence problematic to evaluate for x>0 due to cancellation. Based on a method recently proposed by Gawronski, Müller, and Reinhard, Sylvain Chevillard and Marc Mezzarobba [31] exhibit two functions F and G, both with nonnegative Taylor expansions at the origin, such that Ai (x)=G(x)/F(x). The sums are now well-conditioned, but the Taylor coefficients of G turn out to obey an ill-conditioned three-term recurrence. They use the classical Miller algorithm to overcome this issue. They bound all errors and their implementation allows an arbitrary and certified accuracy, that can be used, e.g., for providing correct rounding in arbitrary precision.

Algorithms for combinatorial structures: well-founded systems and Newton iterations

C. Pivoteau (U. Marne-la-Vallée), B. Salvy, and M. Soria (UPMC) [21] considered systems of recursively defined combinatorial structures. They gave algorithms checking that these systems are well founded, computing generating series and providing numerical values. Their framework is an articulation of the constructible classes of Flajolet and Sedgewick with Joyal's species theory. They extend the implicit species theorem to structures of size zero. A quadratic iterative Newton method was shown to solve well-founded systems combinatorially. From there, truncations of the corresponding generating series were obtained in quasi-optimal complexity. This iteration transfers to a numerical scheme that converges unconditionally to the values of the generating series inside their disk of convergence. These results provide important subroutines in random generation. Finally, the approach was extended to combinatorial differential systems.